Geek-o-Rama Épisode 23 Ninja Gaiden
Intro : Prologue - Part 1: The Duel/Prologue - Part 2: The Letter [Vow of Revenge]
Bloc 1: - Pushing Onward
- Boss Battle
- Evading the Enemy
Bloc 2: - Rugged Terrian
- Cutscene: Seeking Truth
- Nowhere to Run
Bloc 3: - Cutscene: Devilish Influence
- Unbreakable Determination/Basilisk Mine Field
- Depth of Wickedness
Bloc 4: - Epilogue - Part 1: A Hero's End
- Epilogue - Part 2: It's Over
- Epilogue - Part 3: Sunrise [For Your Love]
- Coup de coeur Brass: Bit Brigade - Seeking Truth
- Coup de coeur Dom: Vomitron - Acts 1-3
- Coup de coeur Dan: Vomitron - Acts 4-6
Musique de fond
- Act Intro
- Cutscene: Veil of Uncertainty
- Cutscene: Apprehensive Moments / Stage 4-3
- Cutscene: Swift Ninja / Stage 3-1
- Cutscene: Foster [Information & Coercion]
- Cutscene: The Temple [Jaquio's Fortress]
- Cutscene: Spawn of Evil
- Cutscene: Evil Plans
- Cutscene: Malth Encounter [Bloody Malth]
- Cutscene: Aftermath