Fri 23 Dec 2022
Podcast /
Wake Up Call

Lien de l'épisode /
Wake Up Call

Meet the Soul-led Entrepreneur, Kristen Stuart, otherwise known in her world as She who leads in her divinity.
A Midwife of Awakening, Ascension Guide and Activator of Divine Feminine Power, her practice is based in the heart of the Canadian Rockies which has allowed her to connect with the elements of nature; all whilst navigating incredible challenges out in the natural world.
As she states, “Adventure is a powerful fuel for me in my life and in deepening my connection to nature.” She helps guide women home to themselves and unlock their Sacred Femme.

If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE.  ❤️‍

Empty Queue
Track cover