Fri 18 Nov 2022
Podcast /
Wake Up Call

Lien de l'épisode /
Wake Up Call

Melanie Ann Layer is the founder of the Alpha Femme™ Brand. She is known for her unique approach to feminine leadership and wealth energetics.⁣
She celebrates her clients who calibrate to 6 figures and millions every day, but beyond that, she celebrates their lives, their evolution, their sovereignty, their womanhood. Together with her clients, The Alpha Femme™ brand has raised multiple 6 figure contributions to causes close to Melanie’s heart.⁣
She is a mystery that pays to uncover.⁣
If you want to be LIVE in the audience for these conversations or even catch the replay of this one, join us in my Free Facebook group Sacred Heaven right HERE.  ⚡
This podcast acts in conjecture with the community. If sometimes you feel alone in your own journey, this is your family. Your truth is welcomed, seen and deeply loved here.