Edward Snowden. Chelsea Manning. Julian Assange. While divisive figures such as these have dominated news cycles and been the subject of fierce debate throughout the last decade, whistleblowing is neither a new phenomenon nor one that is strictly American. Who are some key Canadian whistleblowers? How might the law protect those who disclose? And what is the role of hacking in whistleblowing and what are the effects?  Yuan Stevens and Doron Lurie spoke with Prof. Gabriella Coleman to answer these questions and more.

Music in this episode: \"The Collector\" and \"Night Owl\" by Broke for Free, \"Candlepower\", \"Readers! Do You Read?\", and \"We Always Thought the Future Would Be Kind of Fun\" by Chris Zabriskie, \"hydroscope\" by Gallery Six, \"In the Streets\" by Indian Wells, \"Chantiers Navals 412\" by LJ Kruzer, and \"Lips\" by Plurabelle.