Wed 15 May 2019
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

Lien de l'épisode /
The James Bond Complex

Hello dear, listeners!

Oh look. Two parts. Lucky you.

Welcome back for another, *yawn*, thrilling hour of our \"Spectre\" film review. We know that our listenership awaits with bated breath whenever there is a week between, *yawn*, our two part reviews.

Geez Louise, are we the only ones getting a little sleepy?

If you thought that Mathieu and Edgar were done talking about Mr. White with Part 1, think again. He\'s so much fun to quote and analyze that he ends up appearing in the review, well, a little bit EVERYWHERE! Speaking of things going everywhere, that\'s the direction some of our opinions do as well, which is a given when it comes to the Bond films that fail to reach spectacular heights. Fair is fair however, and all topics must be broached, regardless of how light or heavy they may be. Is \"I hate you!\" acting more convincing that love bird acting? Is Thomas Newman\'s score music to our ears? *yawn*. 

Out of horror comes beauty, such as the beautiful explosions in this movie. Even more beautiful are the concepts Mathieu and Edgar conjure up for their alternate version of the film. They really do work well together with terrific synchronicity, almost like brothers from different mothers. Hmm, that sounds like some people we know...


Anways, stick around, get a coffee, try to stay awake, and find out our final thoughts on Sp-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...