Mon 11 Oct 2021
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

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The James Bond Complex

Hello dear listeners,
The time has finally come. The very first episodes of the podcast were recorded in the autumn of 2017, before anyone had any clue what form \"Bond 25\" would take.
After rumours of Russian actor casting calls, Danny Boyle being hired, a change of directors due to creative differences, Daniel Craig puttering off to start another franchise (Knives Out) and, well, we don\'t need to talk about the OTHER reason we\'ve had to wait to so long.
That\'s right, this week Matt and Edgar really, truly, actually sit down to discuss \"No Time to Die.\" It feels a bit surreal!
This episode is a non-spoiler review. While most have seen the film, certain territories have not at the time of this episode\'s release. 
But dancing around plot details and the excitement of finally talking about a shiny new Bond film didn\'t stop the lads from coming up with the usual brilliant topics, such as: Fu-gee-la, the hosts not going to bed together, quoting \"Spectre\" because why not, changing the temperature in a movie theatre auditorium during a film, staying until the end of the credits, finding Matt\'s future wife, \"Highlander: Engame\", and apes castrating people. 
So sit back, relax, and by all means enjoy this latest episode of The James Bond Podcast!*
*this episode has been tested as cruelty free against Australian, New Zealand, China, and Malaysian Bond fans.