Wed 4 Sep 2019
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

Lien de l'épisode /
The James Bond Complex

Hello dear listeners!
A few weeks ago you listened to Mathieu and Edgar wax  about the long forgotten comic book story \"Permission to Die\" from writer-artist Mike Grell. What you may not have known is that the podcast was able to meet up with the man himself in early July during the Montreal Comic-Con. Grell was offering autographs and original art pieces to fans, and when we found out about his presence at the convention, it was clearly an opportunity not to be missed. 
Although Mike Grell was a super swell guy, Edgar was distracted by Wonder Woman and Supergirl cosplayers during the visit to the artist\'s booth, leaving Matt to handle interviewing duties. That\'s why this is a 2-man operation, folks!
So enjoy a briefer than usual episode, but no less interesting and engaging. Get ready to enter the mind of a man that birthed one of the most colourful and adored James Bond comic books stories ever published. 
Once the download is complete, you have our permission to listen!