Wed 9 Dec 2020
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

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The James Bond Complex

Hello dear listeners!
Oh the weather outside is frightful but fire is so delightful. What fire you say? The one burning Nakatomi Plaza to the ground!
That’s right, in a pre-Christmas special warmup episode we take a look and dissect one of if not the greatest action film ever made, Die Hard from 1988. In fact, one of the hosts even claims it’s one of the best films ever, period.
2 podcasts hosts aren’t enough to tackle all those terrorists, so Jason Kim joins in on the festivities. With so many reviews, analyses, and podcasts having previously discussed John McTiernan’s 80s classic, what is there possibly left to say?
Ha! Just leave that to The James Bond Complex. Die Hard spurs a number of joyous topics like:
Jason’s pain face, preparing for a podcast with actual notes, Jason’s availabilities for the ladies (ooh!), the cinema of Frank CRAPA, the believability found in incredulity, the OG lens flares, a drive by shooting of the 4 sequels, and a very, very special guest at the very end of the show to establish once and for all whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
So sit back, grab a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows and enjoy this week’s pre-Christmas special warmup. You had better, because we have a machine gun now HO HO HO!