Wed 21 Dec 2022
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

Lien de l'épisode /
The James Bond Complex

*****IMPORTANT INFO: The recording between Edgar and Emery had to be done in two sessions. The second begins at around the 6:45 mark and, sadly, the audio quality dips considerably. Thank you for your understanding. 

Hello dear listeners!
2022\'s chapter is now written. It was a momentous calendar year for fans of the franchise as the film series celebrated its 60th anniversary. The movies and everything about them carries different meanings for different people. As such, this year we asked our listeners to send in audio messages in which they regale us with their favourite James Bond memories.
There are some terrific stories, from visiting Pinewood Studios, being won over by Brosnan\'s interpretation,  to drinking cocktails at the Ocean Club as seen in CASINO ROYALE. So sit back, relax, get yourselves a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the 2022 Christmas Special!
Please take note that we\'re taking the week between Christmas and New Year\'s off. Don\'t worry, the James Bond Complex Podcast will return the first week of January!