Wed 30 Dec 2020
Podcast /
The James Bond Complex

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The James Bond Complex

*This episode was recored in September 2020

Hello dear listeners!
Oh boy that week between Christmas and New Year\'s is always a bit of a challenge, isn\'t it? A massive holiday in the rear view mirror and another one just days away. We all ate and drank to our hearts content, business won\'t really resume as normal until after Jan 1st, plus we were editing like mad to get that 2-part Christmas Special done.
We kind of feel like coasting this week, no? What to release, what to release?...Oh, what about that episode we did in September about a French-language comic book from Belgian-American graphic novel writer Stephen Desberg and illustrator Bernard Vrancken? Yeah, the one about a James Bond-esque character named Larry B. Max but is like if 007 worked for the I.R.S. instead of MI6 and uncovered unlawful money dealings committed by heinous people like Nazis? Yeah, that one\'s been done and ready to go for 2 months but we never knew when to release it. 
Good enough.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy a relatively brief discussion about a special comic book series from Europe with some intense, unmistakable Bond vibes. Think of it as ending 2020 on a discovery...or started 2021 with a discovery, depending on when you listen to this. 
Just for the love of god remember to pay your taxes!