Special - Science Is a Human Enterprise, Part 2: You Killed These Poor Bunnies
Part 2 of 2. Chris and Jonathan sit down to demystify how scientific research is conducted and what actually goes on in a lab. They talk about the following: data analysis; statistical literacy among scientists; cherry picking; biostatisticians’ greatest complaint; “students should figure it out!”; meta-analyses; hypothesis testing; publishing; structure of a paper; the secret appendices; peer review; open data; registered reports; types of journals; opening a Dairy Queen; and things are improving. Seriously, science is awesome… but its practice could be improved. Theme music: \"Troll of the Mountain Swing\" by the Underscore Orkestra. To contribute to The Body of Evidence, go to our Patreon page at: http://www.patreon.com/thebodyofevidence/.