067 - The COVID-19 Vaccines
Jonathan and Chris take the time to go over the data on COVID-19 vaccines and to answer the many, many questions they have received about them. * Cover of “Ooh Child” by Joseph Hackl * Theme music: “Fall of the Ocean Queen“ by Joseph Hackl. * Assistant researcher: Nicholas Koziris * Special guest star: Morgan Sweeney of the Magic of the Mind podcast To contribute to The Body of Evidence, go to our Patreon page at: http://www.patreon.com/thebodyofevidence/. Patrons get a bonus show on Patreon called “Digressions”! Check it out! Index: Vaccine Development 04:20 Types of COVID-19 vaccines 09:55 RNA vaccine technology 14:45 Rushed vaccines 20:18 COVID vaccine but no HIV vaccine? 23:44 Vaccine ingredients 27:31 COVID vaccines linked to HIV? 36:21 Manufacturing only Pfizer’s vaccine Efficacy 40:20 Efficacy at preventing COVID-19 47:07 Vaccines and asymptomatic transmission 48:37 Duration of protection 50:23 Virus mutations and vaccines Safety 54:06 Claim about RNA vaccines altering the genome 55:11 Claim about infertility 56:13 Side effects from the vaccines 58:50 Bell’s palsy and fainting 1:01:58 Long-term safety 1:05:06 Conspiracy theory about Big Pharma and liability Practical Considerations 1:12:25 Cold storage 1:13:58 Two doses 1:15:17 Choosing your favourite vaccine 1:16:28 Who gets vaccinated first? 1:18:50 Masks and physical distancing after vaccination 1:19:27 What if if you have had COVID? 1:20:30 What if you are pregnant? 1:21:37 What if you are immunocompromised? 1:22:56 What if I have a history of severe allergies? 1:24:50 What if I am young and healthy? 1:25:46 What if I am a child? 1:26:29 When will things go back to normal? References: 1) COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/how-do-vaccines-work/ 2) Previous segment on RNA vaccines: https://bodyofevidence.ca/062-infertility-and-rna-vaccines 3) Episode of Sawbones on COVID-19 vaccines: https://maximumfun.org/episodes/sawbones/covid-vaccine-questions-and-answers/ 4) Previous episode on HIV: https://bodyofevidence.ca/061-hiv-and-covid-19-therapies 5) AntiAntiVax: https://antiantivax.flurf.net/ 6) Ingredients in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/09/1013538/what-are-the-ingredients-of-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine 7) Ingredients in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/covid19-industry/drugs-vaccines-treatments/vaccines/moderna.html#a11 8) The University of Queensland’s COVID vaccine and false positive HIV tests: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australian-covid-vaccine-terminated-due-to-hiv-false-positives-20201210-p56mju.html 9) The Lancet letter about the use of adenovirus type 5 used in vaccines: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32156-5/fulltext 10) FDA briefing document on Pfizer’s vaccine: https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download 11) FDA briefing document on Moderna’s vaccine: https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download 12) Data on duration of protection from vaccine in phase I trial participants: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2032195?query=RP 13) An in-depth, very scientific explanation for why RNA vaccines can’t alter your genome: https://www.deplatformdisease.com/blog/no-really-mrna-vaccines-are-not-going-to-affect-your-dna 14) The nurse who fainted during vaccination did not die: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-nurse-covid-vaccine-dead-idUSKBN29629G 15) Canadian no-fault vaccine injury program announcement: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-pan-canadian-vaccine-injury-support-program.html 16) A look at vaccine safety in the past 20 years: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-2726