Thu 8 Apr 2021
Podcast /
PolySécure Podcast

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PolySécure Podcast

Parce que… c’est l’épisode 0x023!

Shameless plug

15 avril 2021 - Québec Numérique - SéQCure 2021
9 au 16 avril 2021 - Québec Numérique - Semaine numériqc
Nouveau podcast - Incidences



Exchange Server attacks: Run this Microsoft malware scanner now, CISA tells government agencies
Microsoft Safety Scanner

Phish et leak

Report: Attackers prefer to imitate Microsoft pages
Des millions de canadiens touchés dans une fuite Facebook
How public information can pave the way for phishing
Dissecting the anatomy of 3 phishing attacks
More cyberspending fails to curb data breaches
Site on dark web claims to have data from MobiKwik
Ubiquiti breach far larger than disclosed, insider says

Zero-trust and durcissement

Shadow IT is your organization’s next remote-working nightmare
Proponents of zero-trust gain a powerful ally
Founding father of zero-trust works to dispel myths
Opinion: Agencies must prohibit BYOD arrangements
Database encryption is one way to foil hackers

Tips from a pro: No firm’s website is too small to hack

13 guidelines to update the role of corporate governance
Has your company’s IT strategy become stale?
Why small teams are better suited for handling crises
Employees respond emotionally to security changes
Why putting data on a diet is important
Why migrating data to the cloud is so complicated
PDG de Savoura retrouvé grâce aux signaux cellulaires


Nicolas-Loïc Fortin
Vincent Groleau


Montage audio par Intrasecure inc
Music Final Fantasy V “A Dream of Home” par RebeccaETripp via OverClocked ReMix
Locaux virtuels par Zencastr