Sun 28 Mar 2021
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PolySécure Podcast

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PolySécure Podcast

Parce que… c’est l’épisode 0x014!

Shameless plug

15 avril 2021 - Québec Numérique - SéQCure 2021
9 au 16 avril 2021 - Québec Numérique - Semaine numériqc
Nouveau podcast - Incidences


Un peu d’éducation sur le ShadowIT

Tutorial: Discover and manage shadow IT in your network
Wikipedia - Shadow IT
Is the cloud creating “Frankenstein” security systems?
The pros and cons of operating a multicloud setup


Ransomware attack halts production at IoT maker Sierra Wireless
Spanish labor agency suffers ransomware attack, union says
This company was hit by ransomware. Here’s what they did next, and why they didn’t pay up
Ransomware gang leaks data stolen from Colorado, Miami universities
How out-of-date products can haunt your system

Problème Exchange

Exchange Server: 92 Percent Patched (But Patching is Not Sufficient)
Exchange Server: Australia Cyber Security Centre is Scanning for Vulnerable Systems
Exchange Server: Some Patched Systems Were Already Breached
Exchange Server: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Mitigates One of the Vulnerabilities
Exchange Server: Ransomware Operators are Moving In
Takeaways from the Microsoft Exchange hack


NSA Publishes Zero-Trust Guidance
5 ways the pandemic changed security at the edge

Gestion d’incident

The case for automated incident responses
Focus on the root causes of breaches

Les logiciels antitricherie aux examens universitaires soulèvent des questions
Autres nouvelles

How low-code “citizen developers” can be a threat
Complex threat feeds cut both ways, survey finds
Cities need to manage data well to be truly smart
How the pandemic has changed corporate governance
Ways to utilize COBIT®
High-profile hacks raise governments’ concerns
Connecting COBIT® and IT audits
Parler case a cautionary tale about digital landscape
Why Apple’s shift on privacy could help business
Sizing up risk treatment options
Why it’s important to identify data and how it moves
New Calif. rules prohibit “dark patterns” of deception
“7 deadly sins” to avoid in privacy operations
Is it time for a data hygiene checkup?
Tips for building your enterprise’s security dream team
Why security shouldn’t be “bolted on at the end”


Nicolas-Loïc Fortin
Vincent Groleau


Montage audio par Intrasecure inc
Music Final Fantasy VII “Open Your Mind” par Bluelighter via OverClocked ReMix
Locaux virtuels par Zencastr