Wed 8 Jun 2022
Podcast /
Nata PR School (EN)

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Nata PR School (EN)

What goes through your mind when an advertising campaign grabs your attention?
If you\'re like me, you probably wonder if they\'re trying to sandbag you with their slogans:
• Buy now and save!
• We\'ll pay the tax for you!
• Buy our product now and get this for free
I ask you: How does spending money help us save money?
If an advertised product calls to me and I\'m not familiar with it, I wonder why I haven\'t read anything about it. That makes me have doubts about how good and how relevant the product they\'re trying to sell me is.
Do you see where I\'m going with this? Yes, public relations plays a key role here when it\'s time to introduce a new car, a new boat, a new piece of furniture, or a new online app to, say, trade journalists.
What\'s your process when you\'re thinking about buying a higher-ticket item?

You do a Google search.
You read independent articles written by experts, often reporters in the industry.
Then you scan lists for customers\' comments (like TripAdvisor).
Has the product received any awards?

Antoine Bolduc, one of our students at the NATA PR SCHOOL, saw his credibility skyrocket after a TV interview. “I gained some traction in the outdoor category – not that my approach wasn\'t serious to begin with, but the fact that a journalist gave me an on-air interview changed everything – in a good way, obviously. \"
If you\'re interested in finding out more about Antoine\'s experience at the NATA PR SCHOOL, listen to Episode 86.
Remember: advertising is never a replacement for public relations, and only with public relations will an executive boost their reputation as an expert and be recognized as one by the public and the target consumers.
Nothing\'s stopping us from using the TESLA formula for success – on a smaller scale, of course – without being a troublemaker:

Pick the topics you have something to say about (inflation, the best ways to trim your grocery bill, or your heating bill, and so on).
Find the journalists who are interested in and writing about that topic.
Come up with a short press release, featuring the five methods you\'ve identified for reducing your heating bill.
Send your press release to the target media.

There\'s no point in chasing fame\'s tail – but you have to get relevant information out at the right time. You have to tell your story to the right reporters and influencers, the ones who will be interested by what you\'re offering.
And this is where a public relations agency can help you develop a media strategy that\'s smart, meaningful, and effective. If you want to explore public relations on your own, you\'re in the right place. That\'s what we do at the NATA PR SCHOOL.
I hope that you enjoyed and were inspired by this little public relations break.
Join me and sign up to our lists and training sessions where I show you step-by-step public relations tactics that you can implement immediately.