Wed 27 Oct 2021
Podcast /
Nata PR School (EN)

Lien de l'épisode /
Nata PR School (EN)

What about radio? Is it on the way out?
For me, radio will always be a local medium. I love listening to the radio and my favourite hosts, because I feel like they’re talking just to me. There’s nothing like the warmth of the human voice to reassure us, and that’s what radio offers us – that’s what makes it a medium we trust.
It’s very present in our lives, and especially during our morning and evening commutes. Radio still matters. As with any traditional media, radio is in the midst of big changes. In terms of advertising budgets, we know the GAFA of this world are getting the lion’s share – and leaving some scars on radio.
However, this medium has genuinely changed to adapt to the age, because now we can listen to it on replay or in podcasts, or stream it on our computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Radio is also a powerhouse of local media, because it gives listeners that familiarity and forges ties with the community like no other major generalist media.
Here are MÉDIAMÉTRIE’s findings:
- 70% of listeners feel that radio inspires trust.
- 98.5% of business owners with 10 or more employees still listen to the radio every day.
- The car is the number-one weekday listening location.
- 80% of listeners mention radio’s warmth.
- Radio is cross-generational:
nearly three quarters of individuals aged 13 or older, as well as two thirds of 25-34-year-olds and 78% of over-60s listen to the radio every day.
In France, there are 900 stations and 7000 frequencies: community, local, and national radio.
More and more people are listening on digital devices:
12.2% of the population listen to the radio on replay: mobile takes the lead with 3.5 million listeners each day.
Podcasts are growing in popularity: of the 16.9 podcasts downloaded by single listeners every month, 13.5 are played, for a conversion ratio of 81%.
I sincerely believe that radio has a bright future, especially if it keeps listening to its listeners, and continues to let them know what’s happening in their world.
I hope you enjoyed this episode, and that this PR/marketing moment stimulates your creativity.
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