Wed 1 Sep 2021
Podcast /
Nata PR School (EN)

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Nata PR School (EN)

It’s already been one year since I started uploading and sharing a weekly podcast in French and English. What a terrific exercise! I’m on Episode 53 now, and I’ve chosen this moment to take stock, celebrate this accomplishment, and share what I’ve learned and the lessons I’ve drawn from it.
Let’s start with what drove me to do this, which is still the same after 12 months:

A podcast, paired with online training, is a very effective business model that I’ve been studying for many years – and one used by many American educators. I also love Amy Porterfield\'s podcast, which I highly recommend. The content is always on point. She has over 12 years’ experience in the field.
I wanted to have the online experience and go beyond theoretical knowledge. You may have heard me say that PR, just as much as online promotion, “is like reading about bodybuilding. If you never go to the gym or lift weights, you’ll never build any muscle.” So, for the past 12 months I’ve chosen to go to Internet gym and get in shape in terms of online promotion and advertising. Rest assured, I haven’t become the new Madonna with my Web muscle. However, if you aren’t that familiar with the Internet and its tools, and you want to understand how it works, and what’s at stake, I can be your guide and break it down for you. If, on the other hand, you know more than I do, well, I can finally follow you, my little Internet wizards, and really understand what it is you’re explaining!
I came to realize I could draw endlessly on my knowledge, my experience, and what’s happening at the agency to create content.

Three major lessons that make me want to take things further and share my next adventures with you.

Podcasting is an incredible referencing tool.
You can build your muscles online at any age, at any time. It’s never too late.
You can broadcast content to help others, without having to puff up your ego.

I believe that, as the most experienced and most qualified people, it’s in our interest to figure out how to roll out on the Web. Here’s what I’ve learned:

With our lengthy experience, we can adapt our message and our wording to reach the younger generations. I’m just as happy explaining my Web discoveries to an executive who doesn’t use any digital tools as to a young professional who’s just launched their online business.
You can really have fun with this! I think that’s the number one takeaway. I’ve stopped thinking about increasing my current workload, and I’ve decided to change up my routine by taking the time to reflect and to write.

Whatever method you choose, one thing is clear: if you want to achieve something new – carry out new plans, realize a dream, start your own business – unless you change what you’re doing right now, those dreams won’t take shape. You’ve got to try new things and take risks.
So what if it’s difficult. “So What?” is one of my favourite new affirmations. Look at NIKE, which used that messaging and that slogan to move us to buy its products: “Just do it!”
I hope that you enjoyed this episode and will join us again NEXT WEEK.
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