Wed 5 May 2021
Podcast /
Nata PR School (EN)

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Nata PR School (EN)

It’s hard to predict the future, isn’t it? Yet often that’s what our customers are asking us to do.
We understand that the marketing directors we work with have to come up with a plan, with realistic visibility (PR) and sales (marketing) results.
So, unless you have psychic powers or a crystal ball, how do you get it right?
I’ve often heard companies set unrealistic goals because they’ve taken the short-term view. Since the pandemic, with everything moving even faster, it’s highly likely that your long-term plan (more than five years) will need to be revised.
The main problem with short-term versus long-term forecasts lies in companies’ financial health. As we’ve all seen, those who had to face the crisis by depending on their monthly income did not survive (“Those who live by the numbers, die by the numbers”).
What can you do if you can’t predict the future, and how do you deal with the unforeseeable?
Tracking trends is the best option we have (and we’ll discuss this in Episode 26).
For example, take the vegan trend that is currently exploding. One of our clients, a very small brand, noticed there wasn’t much choice in the vegan frozen dessert segment. Based on this trend, our client is now marketing his products to supermarkets.
What do your marketing predictions look like for your business? How are you preparing for the unexpected? I’d love to hear what you have to say about it. So get in touch. Make an appointment for a free consultation, and I’ll tell you, in all honesty, if I can help you develop realistic short-term predictions.
We’re here to answer your questions if you want to find out more about the powerful tools that PR and social media can be.
Free consultation
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