Wed 7 Jun 2023
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Nata PR School (EN)

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Nata PR School (EN)

Bonjour, Hello and welcome to Episode 145 of the NATA PR SCHOOL podcast.
Public relations to gain consumer trust
Before the advent of the Web and the digitization of media, our public relations campaigns were evaluated in terms of advertising value. 
For example, if a quarter-page featuring a client's product were published in a magazine and purchasing that same quarter-page in the magazine cost $2000, we would multiply that amount by three, six, or even ten because it was commonly believed, based on studies at the time, that an article was read more than an advertisement.
This practice was based on the fact that articles attract more attention than advertisements, and consumers place more trust in what is written in articles. Experts even claimed that editorial content was more effective than advertisements in persuading consumers. Educational and informative articles significantly influenced purchasing decisions more than traditional advertisements.
I wanted to update this data to see what new research revealed. Here's what I found:

Content marketing generates three times more leads than paid advertising on search engines. - Content Marketing Institute

70 to 80% of users ignore paid ads and focus on organic search results." - Search Engine Journal

37% of consumers trust articles or blogs written by experts. - Nielsen

74% of consumers trust educational articles and whitepapers when evaluating a company. - Demand Gen Report

While the phenomenon of "Fake News" has had a significant impact on the credibility of journalists, compared to advertising effects, a review of a new car or beauty product will always carry more credibility with consumers simply because it comes from an independent third party who has tested the product and shares their opinion or expertise.
One of our students at NATA PR SCHOOL, Antoine Bolduc, summarizes this effect very well:
"After just one interview on local TV, I became an expert in the eyes of my followers and gained 400 new followers overnight." - Antoine Bolduc, Atypic Equipment
Advertising generates sales, while public relations aim to make you known.
Public relations will bring you the credibility and recognition Antoine Bolduc enjoys today.
It's your turn! Sign up for our programs to learn how to integrate public relations into your marketing plan in less than 2 hours per week.
If you wish to continue the conversation on this subject, please contact me. You can find my contact information on our website: