Wed 4 Jan 2023
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Nata PR School (EN)

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Nata PR School (EN)

For those of you who are just discovering NATA PR SCHOOL with this episode – we have a six-step model to guide you as you create your public relations or social media campaign yourself.
We use this model every day at NATA PR. Step one in this model is so simple and, hands down, one of the most important. It’s THE first question you should ask yourself:
Why would they be talking about you?
“They” being the target of your choosing: a journalist or influencer.
So why would the journalist from the daily that you read routinely be talking about you?
If you read this journalist’s articles, you know that they’re interested in companies that sign contracts abroad, have set up programs for their employees, have developed tools to help their customers out during a recession, and so on.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Some of the journalists we talk to regularly, for example, specialize in fashion and have a regular column on local fashion. So, we know that journalist is on the lookout for that kind of news. It’s up to us to share it with them.
What we call trends—the hot topics—are good indicators as to why journalists/influencers would want to talk about you.
Identifying the latest trends has become a daily habit for me. Obviously, depending on when you’re listening to this podcast, the trends I name here may be over – or not. Here’s an example of what I mean:

Working during vacation
Hotels that are developing services for vacationing travellers who need to work for a few hours
Everything about inflation and how to maximize the family budget: cooking at home, choosing frozen food, opting for the store brand, and so on.
Pantone’s Colour of the Year
Beauty: vitamin C, retinol, sunscreen
Luxury items as currency
Second-hand, etc.

We have clients who are offering new products but also want to keep their best-sellers in the news. It’s often by means of these trends that we get the word out.
We have an agrifood client who’s an expert in frozen foods. Stories about the economic, nutritional and zero-waste aspects of the frozen food industry are an excellent way to get the brand talked about.
We could also team up with nutritionists or chefs offering simple recipes featuring frozen foods to inspire journalists to include them in their stories (on recipes or economics).
There are multiple reasons why they would talk about you or your product. But the simplest reason is still that it’s new.
Say you’re selling a new vitamin C serum that will give skin that glow. That’s all it may take to get the attention of beauty reporters, because their job is to catalogue everything that’s new in their sector and what’s local. A beauty brand made here, as we like to mention, may get its moment by highlighting that it’s local.
If you want to find out more about our six-step model, don’t hesitate to download it and get in touch with me.