Sun 30 Apr 2023
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Full Stack Banana

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Full Stack Banana

Dans cet épisode, nous rendons hommage à feu Harry Belafonte et Jerry Springer, explorons le départ controversé de Tucker Carlson et célébrons la diversité de Costco. On découvre les best-sellers repensés d\'IKEA, on visite le « Disneyland des épiceries » et on discute des trophées de participation dans les sports pour les jeunes. De plus, nous examinons l\'évolution vers une «notation équitable» dans les écoles.Notes et références[01:00] Dignité, beauté, grace, principes, justice, personnifiés: Harry BelafonteWork all night on a drink of rumDaylight come and we want go homeStack banana \'til the morning comeDaylight come and we want go homeCome Mister tally man, tally me bananaDaylight come and we want go homeLift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunchDaylight come and we want go homeA beautiful bunch of ripe bananaDaylight come and we want go homeHide the deadly black tarantulaDaylight come and we want go home[06:00] Fake reality TV: Jerry Springer“I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy a comfortable measure of success in my various careers,” he added, “but let’s be honest, I’ve been virtually everything you can’t respect: a lawyer, a mayor, a major-market news anchor and a talk-show host. Pray for me. If I get to heaven, we’re all going.”[11:00] Tucker Carlson—willing to report stories no one else would touch (City Journal) et The Smuggest Man On Air (American Prospect)That look of smirking disbelief is deliberately theatrical. But Carlson’s insistent distrust of his powerful guests acts as a solvent to authority, frequently making larger-than-life figures of the political establishment defend arguments they otherwise treat as self-evident.Tucker’s willingness to challenge and mock ruling elites went alongside an obsessively nativist message that alienated viewers who might otherwise have embraced his populist perspective. His popularity with a wide audience begs the question why other nightly news shows that attacked him didn’t raise the same critiques, without the nativism.[19:00] CostcoVenture into a Costco warehouse – a more diverse place than many a university or legislature – and you will see shoppers from all walks of life gathered together in the pursuit of consumer goods. Here, people of various faiths and backgrounds peruse the aisles, in search of the latest giant screen television sets, buckets of ice cream, and rotisserie chickens, treating one another with respect, regardless of their beliefs. The only judgement passed is reserved for those who bump carts or try to skip the line. Upon departing this peacful and lively consumer’s paradise, some may venture to their respective places of worship, while others linger and indulge in a beverage and a $1.50 hot dog with friends. One family may commemorate a milestone with a baptism, another might celebrate a traditional rite of passage, while still others head to the ballpark in the comfort of their spacious SUVs. And as this diverse tapestry of personal journeys is woven, everyone finds contentment.[29:00] IKEA Redesigns Its Bestsellers, Starting With the Billy BookcaseOne of the company’s chief weapons in its fight to cut costs is the Billy bookcase, a bestseller considered the “heart of IKEA,” said Jesper Samuelsson, the product’s manager. Over 140 million units have been sold since it first appeared in the 1979 edition of the IKEA catalog. The company says someone, somewhere buys a Billy every five seconds—which comes out to around 6.3 million sales a year.[33:00] Stew Leonard\'s is called the \'Disneyland of dairy stores\' — and after one visit, I totally get the hype et Stew Leonard Sr. Dies at 93[37:00] Die with zero (entretien avec Peter Attia)I hope my message has at least jarred you into rethinking the standard and conventional approaches to living one’s life—get a good job, work hard through endless hours, and then retire in your sixties or seventies and live out your days in your so-called golden years. But I still ask you: Why wait until your health and life energy have begun to wane? Rather than just focusing on saving up for a big pot full of money that you will most likely not be able to spend in your lifetime, live your life to the fullest now: Chase memorable life experiences, give money to your kids when they can best use it, donate money to charity while you’re still alive. That’s the way to live life. Remember: In the end, the business of life is the acquisition of memories. So what are you waiting for?[43:00] ‘Participation Trophies’ Are a Fake Crisis. Here’s the Real Problem for Youth Sports.The argument is basically this: Participation trophies are a gateway to sloth and entitlement, since they teach children that they will be rewarded not for effort or accomplishment, but simply for showing up. How is a child supposed to withstand the fickle winds of a harsh world, with clear winners and losers, if they are treated to shiny hardware for attendance? The fear is that giving a child a trophy for wandering through a three-month “season” is to instill a need for constant, unearned approval. Though the “participation trophy” debate is many decades old, it’s routinely portrayed as an example of modern coddling, and it’s only a matter of time before that trophy-hoarding 9-year-old is standing in an office asking for a promotion, a raise and a snowboarding sabbatical. As a current youth sports parent, with the highway miles and Coleman folding chairs to prove it, I am afraid to say I haven’t detected an epidemic. I have two children, ages 8 and 10, and I calculated the other day that over 15 or so youth sports seasons played, across multiple sports, in two different states, we have received a grand total of one participation trophy, which was awarded when my son participated in a shaggy local T-ball league when he was 5.These were pre-kindergarteners who couldn’t tell time or tie their own cleats, much less hit a baseball, so nobody objected to the idea of them getting a $3 piece of tin for showing up to a crabgrass field once a week and trying to remember if they were left or right handed. If that makes me a facilitator of unhinged youth entitlement, then guilty as charged! As always, the attention-seeking outrage obscures a genuine issue. The problem with youth team sports isn’t that they’re giving out too many trophies to participants.  It’s that participation is down, worrisomely. [46:00] Schools Are Ditching Homework, Deadlines in Favor of ‘Equitable Grading’“They’re relying on children having intrinsic motivation, and that is the furthest thing from the truth for this age group,” said Ms. Penrod, a teacher for 17 years.[50:00] “As an AI language model”

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