Tue 17 Aug 2021
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Canada’s Podcast

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Canada’s Podcast

With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Chris Smith has watched the industry grow, becoming an essential part of peoples’ lives year after year.
Starting his career early in the fitness industry, Chris has been involved in the operations and logistics of many clubs — from sales to managing and everything in between. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health and Promotion from Portland State University, Chris has brought his passion, dedication and perseverance to many clubs throughout North America. Based in Vancouver, BC, Chris now acts as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Fitness World, leading the charge to launch 15 clubs across B.C. in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Fitness finds its way into all aspects of Chris’ life — from his career to his personal life and staying active with his five kids in tow.
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